I am trying to run a cost formula narrowing it down from over 6000 cells. So I need to delete all cells with 0 in it and narrow it down to only those values >0. Is there a formula or a function I can use to do this easily in a new sheet?
I am trying to run a cost formula narrowing it down from over 6000 cells. So I need to delete all cells with 0 in it and narrow it down to only those values >0. Is there a formula or a function I can use to do this easily in a new sheet?
Do you need to delete the zero's or just hide them?
Are these 6000 cells in one column?
Regards, Jeff
Delete all the 0s and there are more than 6000 cells I just realized
It will be 208 columns with 6000 rows
The easiest method, find and replace.
I get that I can use that to find all zeros but how do I remove the empty cells
I beleive you will need a macro to do what your wanting to do. Can you upload a copy of your workbook and also show your explected results you are looking for?
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I'm sorry, but remove empty cells, not so clear to me.
Can you provide a small sample say, A1:C10 on what you want accomplished?
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I have attached an example excel file. The first tab is a small version of what I would have and the second is what I would like.example.xlsx
Easy way is to highlight all the cell you want to work with. Then do a replace of 0 to "". Just leave Replace with box empty. Then use goto Special. Select Blacks from the Form and click OK. This will leave all the black cells you that are blank highlighted blue. Right click on any area that is hightlighted blue and select delete>shift cells up.
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