HI i have a ver simple question but for some reason can not figure it out!

Crazy I know!

Ok so heres the scoop,

I need a sum ifs frormula to sum the cells Master(2) d3:V3 IF the dates Master(2) B:B matches Sheet6 B2 and if Master(2) C:C matces Sheet6 A3.

Ok i thought that was simple so i came up with this fomula.

=SUMIFS('Master (2)'!D3:V3,'Master (2)'!B:B,B2,'Master (4)'!D:D,A3)

Doesnt work. I get #VALUE!

So I'm pretty much at a loss for what to do.

*I really have 12 weeks of infomation but did not post it to keep my file size down*Book1111.xlsx