
i have been sent several workbooks (365 to be exact). each contains data on a particular day of the year. i want to copy part of this data from each of these workbooks into a master workbook so that all the data for the year will appear. i figure i have to write some sort of macro for this but i am not sure where to start. so in the master workbook i have a column for date and a column for hour (365 *24 = 8760 rows) and then corresponding columns for the data i want to copy from the other workbooks. each of the workbooks has a title containing the day which it refers to. i was hoping to make a macro which would read the date in the date column corresponding to the active cell in the master workbook. then it would link this date to the appropriate workbook i want to copy the data from. finally it would copy the data from that workbook and paste it into the appropriate cells in the master workbook.

i hope this description makes sense. i am new to this fourm. anyhow any help will be very much appreciated.

thank you
