
I'm using index and match functions to lookup data and I'm also using them for conditional formatting but this seems to be causing irritating calculation slowdowns. I'm happy with the formula in column E, but it's the formula for column D that seems to slow everything down. Essentially, the formula in column E of the first worksheet looks to the value of A3 and then lists corresponding data from the second worksheet. The formula in column D of the first worksheet looks to the "requirement" column of the data in the second worksheet and returns "true" or "false" based on whether the values in columns B and C of the first worksheet meet those requirements. I intended to use this latter formula as a conditional-formatting rule for the cells in column D, but I don't want to go any further without fixing the slowdown (if I can). I've attached the workbook in case anyone's willing to try to make it more efficient. It's for a "final fantasy" video game by the way.
