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Trying to apply multiple entries with Vlookup & Use two IF statements

  1. #1
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    Trying to apply multiple entries with Vlookup & Use two IF statements

    Hello 2 questions,
    I am trying to make a worksheet where i add multiple Vlookup.

    The numbers I want to pull from one table are dependent on other cells/ tables so i am not able to do simple addition. Here is what i want it to do (in simple form)


    (C1*D2)+(C3+G4)+..... and i want the number that appears in the cell to be the total. I can get excel to do what i want with a vlookup*another Vlookup. But i cannot get it to string multiple ones together like i wish.

    The formula that i have and that works for just one set is:


    I am not having problems with this part of the formula, but i am not able to add it to another set which is the same concept but different cells

    #2 How do i do multiple if statements
    I want a number out of say C4. But it needs to be dependent on A1 and B1. A1 Has 3 parts, so I am not able to use just A1 and B1 may be used a variety of times, but if it agrees with both it will give me the number i would like.

    Any suggestions?

    Hope this makes sense and any help would be appreciated

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: Trying to apply multiple entries with Vlookup & Use two IF statements

    As you work with numbers maybe you can use SUMIFS.

    Can you upload a small sample workbook?


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    Re: Trying to apply multiple entries with Vlookup & Use two IF statements

    So heres the workbook. I couldn't get the one page to upload, but it is Crew_Equip Data Base Sheet.

    And in F38 I would like to

    =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(C38,Crew_Compositions,6,FALSE),"")*(VLOOKUP(E22,Labor_Code,3,FALSE)) + =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(C38,Crew_Compositions,10,FALSE),"")*(VLOOKUP(I22,Labor_Code,3,FALSE))And so on and So forth so that all 8 sections can be added.

    Also (if you can answer this one) The labor and Equipment are gathered differently, So in my drop down menu you may pick either, but for the bottom table "Crew Total Hourly/Daily Rates" I need to make i that if you it says labor table and it's not applicable it won't give me an error and vice versa.

    (the reason for this is Labor is done in man hours and Equip is done on a daily basis so i need to keep them separate on that table)
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    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: Trying to apply multiple entries with Vlookup & Use two IF statements


    A "little" ungly but it works. I made the example for the first 3 conditions. You have to add the others. This formula fives a result of 186, that is correct.

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    Re: Trying to apply multiple entries with Vlookup & Use two IF statements

    Well that was quite wonderful. Now I have one question, it only adds up the labor in the labor column which is what I was hoping for, what part of it do I need to change So that i have the same exact thing but it pulls the only the equipment rate.

    I understand the logic behind excel and what I want the computer to do and where it is to get the information from (to me that part is beyond simple)I am just horrible with anything programming related, and I don't want to half-*** it because I would like to be able for it do do everything I want. I am going to write this out and hopefully* be able to break it down so I understand exactly what each part is doing. Will you be willing to keep checking this in case I have any questions? (which is very likely)

    Thank you

  6. #6
    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: Trying to apply multiple entries with Vlookup & Use two IF statements

    You are welcome.

    Which is the equipment rate??

  7. #7
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    Re: Trying to apply multiple entries with Vlookup & Use two IF statements

    1010 Gas Engine, Vibrator $72.00
    1020 Concrete Pump, Small $920.00

    But they are in the same drop down menu's for crew position. So when you pick your crew position (through the code drop down menu) There are 9 choices 7 are labor and 2 are equipment. For it to work the way i need it in the other sheets, When it tally's across and puts the total in the Crew Total Hourly rate box, I need the equipment total to go in the equipment and the labor to go in labor. (If it's possible)

    And Seriously Thank You! I've been trying to have people I go to school with help me and they just want me to do it in a way that doesn't make it clean and efficient.

  8. #8
    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: Trying to apply multiple entries with Vlookup & Use two IF statements

    This will be more complicate and i don't have a clear mind now.

    I promise you to take a look to this tomorrow morning

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