You did not explain where the second player should be.
Any way formula in E32 can be copied to right as needed.
The formula in C32 needs to be changed according to the range your data spans to.
For example
=COUNTIF(E32:CZ32,"Won") & "-" & COUNTIF(E32:CZ32,"Loss") & "-" &COUNTIF(E32:CZ32,"Tie")
Will calculate the data from E32 to CZ32.
If you have a vertical list of all the teams, you can use vlookup to fill the cell A30 according to the group it belongs to or Hlookup if the list is horizontal.
If range E14 to J13 and to right should always contains all the names of the teams then you can use Index / Match function to auto populate the cell A30 according to the group it belongs to.
Please tell if it helps