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External Links

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Chicago, IL, USA
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    Excel 2003

    Unhappy External Links

    I am trying to use the feature to go to edit the links and I used this forum to get the answer and it told me to go start button and then go to the prepare button and then go to edit links to files and the edit links dialog box will appear. Well I went to the start button and I went to prepare but there was no edit links to files in the box. I am runnig Excel 2007 and I figure it is an add-on or something I do not have. How can I add that so that it appears under the prepare when you hit the start button. I know that you can add here because I changed the save as where I can now save it as a PDF or XPS.


  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Chicago, IL, USA
    MS-Off Ver
    Excel 2003

    Talking Re: External Links

    I found out that the only way to get the external links box to appear was that you had to have something with an external link in it otherwise you would never see it. So if you want to try this but in an external link and then come back in and you will see that it is not long gray under data connections and you can see it in the prepare.


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