Now, Sorry for the cryptical topic, but i have no idea of what terms to use, how or to explain it all in one line.
Here is my problem, and im hoping that someone can come up with a solution, or perhabs provide the terms required to do a better google service than what i've been able to.
I got multiple sheets:
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 10
Spillere contains a list of players being used, and the whole purpose of my spreadsheet is that you enter who's been playing on which team in any given round, and you apply the data into the "spillere"-sheet.
"Round 1" contains the line up for the different teams, and i've created a dropdown with the players from "spillere". When a player is chosen, i need to somehow find the player in the playerslist, and add information about on that sheet.
I've attached the spreadsheet im using, and to elaborate on my example, then imagine this.
On sheet "round 1" I go to the "2. division" > "1. mix" and add two names. Now I need it to go find the 2 names from the players list, and use the data i've provided. In column A it says "2" outside the "2. division", that means its the second team, and therefore it should be E5 that it needs to at the data to. And the data that needs to be added in the cell is the information from B2 (B2 is located in round1).
I hope that made any sense, if not let me know and i'll try again!
Kind Regards,