hmm... yes, that works.... now I find that I can't make what I want to happen...happen.
Ideally, what I'd like to happen is this:
we are open monday thru saturday. I'd like to be able to automatically calculate how many work days there are in a month, first of all... and then how many remain from 'today'.... I could just use 27, as it is usually the right answer... but my inner nerd wants that to be precise.
IF i can get that expressed as a simple 2digit number, I'd like for it to figure out, from the position of TODAY, how many 'open' days remain in the current month.
for example, if I open the sheet on the 13 of November, I'd like it to be able to tell me how many days, counting only monday-saturdays remain, counting the present day.
once I get that set, I'll want to be able to adjust that to the salesmen's schedules .... and they are off one of the open days each, and days off vary.
anyone done this kind of thing before?