In the Table below; the first 2 digits are row numbers, followed by a space. The following characters are the value of column A. The text 'CPT_Criteria' in row 1 and row 7 are the column heading. Row 02 contains the advanced filter criteria value, in this case 'Bone'.
When I execute the advanced filter function; complete the List Range and Criteria definitions, no records are displayed, yet you can see that the text 'Bone' exists in rows 10-13.
I have used Advance Filtering successfully before, yet this situation does not; any suggestions.
Column A
01 CPT_Criteria
02 Bone
06 Enter up to (3) search criteria above, click here
07 CPT_Criteria
08 88348 88348 Pathology specimen electron microscopy; diagnostic
09 10021 FN10021 Cytopathology fine needle aspiration; without imaging guidance
10 38220 BMA220 Bone marrow aspiration only
11 38221 BMA221 Bone marrow needle or trocar
12 85060 BPB060 Bone marrow peripheral blood smear
13 85097 BMA097 Bone marrow aspirate smear interp
14 88104 FL104 Cytopathology brush
15 88104 FL104 Cytopathology fluids, washings or brushings, except cervical or vaginal;smears with
16 88104 FL104 Cytopathology wet mount
17 88108 FL108 Cytopathology concentration technique, smears and interpretation
18 88112 FL112 Cytopathology selective cellular enhancement tchnique with interpretation (eg, liquid
19 88172 FN172 Cytopathology evaluation of fine needle aspirate;immediate cytohistologic study to