I’m extremely happy I found this forum you would not believe it 
I’ve been struggling with a worksheet for over a month now and been that close to let it go for good.
Long story short I’m trying to help a fried to run the purchasing side of his small family business by setting up an excel workbook.
The way this was supposed to work:
1. For every supplier he needs to keep a separate sheet set as follows:
Order date/ supplier/part no/product description/unit of measure/quantity/price per unit/delivery date/order status
2. Every morning he would need to chase his orders with each supplier individually and mark under the order status header the status for every line in the orders he placed whether the product line was delivered, partially delivered or not yet delivered.
3. Based on the results he would have to resume the chase at a later moment of the day. Meanwhile, further products are being ordered and amendments made on their supplier’s individual sheet.
4. I’ve been trying to figure a way to make it a bit easier as it is awfully time consuming to go through all the supplier sheets and chase the not delivered or partially delivered orders. Therefore I thought I can make it so all the outstanding orders be automatically reported into a separate sheet that he can follow way easier and amend the status according to the chasing results and thus clear up the list as the status changes to delivered.
Obviously non been able to do that so here I am asking you guys to point me into the right direction.
I should mention as well that my level of expertise with excel is close to medium ...no VBA knowledge ... as for macros ... I know what they are 