Hi guys, new member and hoping someone could possibly help me out.

---I will just start with a quick blurb about my experience in Excel, what I have done so far and what I hope to achieve---

My experience in MS Excel is to A-Level and European Computer Drivers Licence standard (that's what I gained from school!) which is hard to recall exactly where I got up to, but if prompted, then i'm sure I will pick up any advice and remember functions that people can advise.

I'm a kitchen manager creating some spreadsheets to create a forever-updating averages sheet (drawn from Daily Product Sales Reports) of the meals/sides/options in my pub.

So far, I have created a 8 week long timeline across the top of the columns, labelled Monday to Friday in each week. Going down the page is each of the items as they appear in my reports. At the end of each row is a simple =AVERAGE formula to give me an average per day. On another work sheet, there is a table presenting the total averages for the week on each item on the menu. So far, I have entered two weeks worth of sales and have my averages working fine, and created a separate work sheet giving me an average total of what we sell in a week (eg. 30 burgers one week, 20 the next - Weekly, I sell 50 burgers on average).

What i'd really love to achieve (and really impress some top brass) is somehow have a sort of recipe book (or list) in a work book so that I can list, for example, how many slices of bacon I use in a week, to govern how many packs I need to order.

So, for a very simple example.

regular Burger - 1 beef burger, 1 Burger bun, Xg of chips, Xml of sauce.

chicken burger - 1 chicken breast, 1 burger bun, Xg of chips, Xml of sauce.

As this shows, there are common ingredients in both recipes. So if my totals column read...

Regular Burger - 20
Chicken Burger - 10

Would there be a way of multiplying the total number of each item sold by the quantity of items in the 'recipe'? So that I would be given the totals of needing...

20 Beef burgers
10 Chicken breasts
30 Burger Buns
30 x (x)g chips
30 x (x)ml sauce

Hope there is enough of an example there - and sorry if it's slightly over the top. Any help or advice would be much appreciated - I'm unsure whether I have posted this in the right forum, or whether it should be in a more dedicated board. Please advise if so, and I will remove it and relocate.

Cheers! Paddy