Had a bit of brain wave with regards to creating this new sheet that I'm hoping to be able to get an idea of the quantities of all the items that we use in the pub, going from averages created in the sheet that is attached to my previous post.
If in one new sheet, running down the 'A' column, I have the individual meals that appear on the two previous sheets, and then across the first row, have all the items (taken from the stock count sheet) that we could possibly use. Then under each of the items that we use, add in the quantity of this item that appear in that meal.
At the very bottom of Column A, I will have a totals column. The formula in here will be...
(recipe total item 1 + average orders of meal)+(recipe total item 2 + average orders of meal) ...
and so on.
Hopefully this gives a better picture of what i'm working towards. I will attach a rough idea in my next post - waiting on an email from work with the stock count sheet to get all the individual items.