The most basic VLOOKUP will do it for you.
B2 contains the search value.
The first column of $F$2:$G$8 is where we expect to find the value in B2. The rest of the columns are the associated data.
2 means that it is the data in column no 2 of $F$2:$G$8 we want to retrieve.
0 means that you want an exact match.
Note! Important to remember and easy to forget is the $ signs. They prevent the data range from following the formula as you copy it down 2000 rows. You can add them easy with F4 when editing the formula.
Wrapping an IFERROR around it like this prevents you from getting N/A if the data is not found. =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B15;$F$2:$G$8;2;0);"")