Hello! I have the following calculation entered in the cell C2 in Sheet 3:
=IF(AND(TEXT(TIME(HOUR(NOW());MINUTE(NOW());SECOND(NOW()));"hh")="07"; VALUE(TEXT(TODAY();"dd"))=$W$9);AND(COUNTIF(Sheet2!$J$15:$S$15;2);Sheet2!$I$15=TIMEVALUE("7:00"))*1;C2)
When the time has the hour 7 values from the cell range J15 to S15 of the Sheet 2 are checked if the have number 2. If this condition is true then the C2 in Sheet 3 shows 1.
The problem is that when I try to read the C2 cell value, it just doesn't read it correctly. Namely when I write in any other cell e.g. cell W2 =C2, the value of W2 is 0 instead of 1.
All the cells are of general format.