this appears to be the work of genius, I am truely astonished by your excellence good sir!
but yes, it still falls short on values less then a day...
i have 10:50 to 13:30 and it kicks out a value of 14.666 hours when it should be 2.666 meaning it has added a day.
EDIT: also, it is indeed slowing excel down an aweful lot. admittingly the data im using is too large currently however its changed from a 2 minute operation to a 15minute operation and counting =)
EDIT:EDIT: the single days dont matter so much as ill be filtering them out anyway, would be nice to see it working perfect though... Another point to mention is that i am going to be using this in a macro and it churns out some bad results because it changes the code
is there anyway to prevent this?
the code i enter in is:
and then i autofill it downwards.