
apple pear peach grape cherry
1 0 1 0 0

Crappy example, I know. I am trying to return the "fruit name" of the highest 3 values over zero in row 1 by using the Large function and index/match in three seperate cells. My problem is when there are duplicates. I need to return "apple" in f1, and "peach" in f2 and nothing in f3 if the rest are zero. I there is a third number greater than zero, I need that returned, or if there is only 1 greater that zero, then that name, with f2 and f3 empty. Here is my attempt:
=IF(LARGE(A2:E2,1)=0,"",INDEX($R$6:$Y$6,MATCH(LARGE(A2:E2,1),A2:E2,0))) IN F1
=IF(LARGE(A2:E2,2)=0,"",INDEX($R$6:$Y$6,MATCH(LARGE(A2:E2,2),A2:E2,0))) IN F3
=IF(LARGE(A2:E2,3)=0,"",INDEX($R$6:$Y$6,MATCH(LARGE(A2:E2,3),A2:E2,0))) IN F3
But of course..this doesnt work with duplicates.