Hi I'm new to this forum and a 9 year, self taught excel user. I hope this is in the right Forum section. What I'm trying to do is take all of the people in a list in a specific "Organization" and send them an email. I've done this before but not with data this messed up.
I have imported multiple files of mailing list in separate sheets in a workbook. Each list doesn't have tables or column headers but the do have specific font format styles that differentiates them (see below). The problem is is that I've got data in various cells on each sheet with no consistency except for the type face, type style and type size. This is just one sheet of many.
Attached is a sample file.
Each Sheet is laid out differently but maintains the cell same formatting below:
On "Sheet 1" cell C2 is formatted with, Calibri, 10 pt, bold with "Boy Scout"
I want this cell and all cells with that format to be transferred to my compilation sheet called "NEW SHEET" under the column header named "Organization" in column A.
Then in "Sheet 1" cell C3 is formatted with Helvetica ,9 pt, bold with "Eagle".
I want this cell and all with that format to be transferred to "NEW SHEET" under column header named "Rank" column b.
Cell C4 on "Sheet 1" formatted differently w/ "Craig Bruneel" transferred on the same row under the header "Full Name" on "NEW SHEET" column c.
Cell C5 on "Sheet 1" formatted differently w/ "794-7070"or blank transferred on the same row under the header "Phone" on "NEW SHEET" column d
Same for cell C6 w/ "craigbruneel@gmail.com".
Skip to C8 you have the same sequence but for "Organization", "Girl Scout"
etc. etc. etc.
On a different sheet like "Sheet 2" the info may be in different columns and sells.
ie. cell A2 has "Organization", "Cub Scout' etc. etc. etc.
Multiply this by hundreds of different people that have no email address all on different sheets, in different cells and rows.
The Question - Is there a way to easily put all of the "Calibri, 10 pt, bold" in a "NEW SHEET" in the workbook where I've created header columns of A1 = Organization, B1 = Rank, etc. automatically or do I have to manually enter formulas in each cell as I have done in the attached file? besides how i've done it
I hope this isn't to verbose and complex but it's my first time. I have searched this forum and read about pivot tables, name function and visual basic. I have played with VB a little so if that is the only way to do this, I'll need some hand holding. Thanks in advance.