Column B has part number: 100-00-001 for example. Column C has the month: Jan 2013, Feb 2013. D has quantity of demand forecasted.

We want to put all demand in August. If demand is:

1/28/2013 0
2/11/2013 0
3/11/2013 0
4/15/2013 0
5/13/2013 0
6/17/2013 0
7/15/2013 0
8/12/2013 0
9/16/2013 50
10/14/2013 0
11/11/2013 50
12/16/2013 0

We want it to become:

1/28/2013 0
2/11/2013 0
3/11/2013 0
4/15/2013 0
5/13/2013 0
6/17/2013 0
7/15/2013 0
8/12/2013 100
9/16/2013 0
10/14/2013 0
11/11/2013 0
12/16/2013 0

I have a formula in column G:


In other words, if the date is 8/12/2013, quantity is the sum of all months. Otherwise, sum is 0.

I want to repeat this formula 12 times (for 12 months) and then adjust it so it has the 12 month sum for the next part number:


and then:


et cetera

Is there a way to automatize this?

Do I write a macro? Use a better formula?