I have issues retrieving data from another excel file which is on shared drive and is a Read-only. I do not have control on the source files and I do not want to make any changes to the source files. I want to get the data from the source files to an excel file to analyse and plot the charts. I tried using the option on Data->From other sources -> From Microsoft query -> select excel files and click OK -> select the destination file ( file formats are of .xlsm,.xlsx)
this builds a connection string as below:
Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};DBQ="\\DENASVF2B\Civil_1\Change_Control\ABC_Sheet_Monitors\ABC Log Combined C2 C4 v1.xlsm";DefaultDir="\\DENASVF2B\Civil_1\Change_Control\ABC_Sheet_Monitors";DriverId=1046
and I tried to retrieve data with a query. When I did this for the 1st time it worked fine. When I close and open the file again and refresh the data, I get an error messages like files not available, files not valid, Database or table is read-only etc.
Please can some one advice how I can overcome this issue. Is there a way to get data from a Read-only shared files those are onf .xlsx and .xlsm fromats.
THanks very much