Hello, I need to create a staffing sheet for work. I have attached an idea of how it would like it. Although, this will be needed for about 20 people in total.
Please can you tell me how/or whether it is possible for the following to happen:
1) When I type peoples hours in using the 'in' and 'out' columns, I want the time columns for their row to automatically fill in a white colour between those times they are in and have the numerical value of 1 across the hours they are in work.
2) Depending on peoples hours, people are entitled to different break times. eg, 15 mins, 45 mins, 75mins. When I type in peoples hours, can I get it so in the break column it automatically works out what break they are entitled to. eg 4 hours or less = 0 break, 4-6 hours=15mins 6-9 hours =60mins 9-12 hours = 75mins, so when I type in Joe Bloggs 16:00 - 22:00, it will automatically work out he has 15min break to take.
This would be a great help if you can tell me the general formula of how to do these!, and where to type them!
Thank you in advance!