How would I edit the below formula include AVERAGE..there is no averageif formula so I am not sure how to incorporate average into this formula.
How would I edit the below formula include AVERAGE..there is no averageif formula so I am not sure how to incorporate average into this formula.
There should be an =AVERAGEIF() formula:
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If you are using Excel 2007.
S?ren Larsen
"Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Give a man a fishing rod, and he'll steal your yacht!"
Divide by CountIf with the same conditions.
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You can't do one thing. XLAdept
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~aka Orrin
i am using excel 2003 and do not see an averageif formula there.
I tried the division by count if and it said I have too many arguments.
No, you don't have =AVERAGEIF() in Excel 2003, but you state in your profile that you are using Excel 2007. Try this instead:
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You can also use an "array formula" with AVERAGE in any version, e.g.
confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
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