Hi Forum,
I have an excell spread sheet containing just over 1 million columns.
The spreadsheet is largely about statistics and each column has a time/date field in Column A, along with a number of rows next to it
Every (lets say 200 columns) there is a break in the data and subsequently different data held in a field belonging to previous data
after lets say (50 columns) the data is change back to the same type of data that was entered prior to the break.
This occurs every so many rows and I want to automatically set a rule/macro that deletes these 50 columns so that the I want is the same type throughout the entire workbook.
To put things in basic terms, if i was to write an AVERAGE=D4:D1202939 then it will get jumbled up with the other data that is entered after every 200 columns. Therefore i need to delete that additional data so that it flows all the way from D4 to D1202939.
Hope that makes sense and hope someone can help as it would take me weeks, if not months, to manually remove each section.