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filtering more than one item in the same column

  1. #1
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    filtering more than one item in the same column

    fyi i've posted this on another forum as well but haven't gotten a result yet.
    [ http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-q...w-filters.html ]

    i want to know how to filter two different items in the same column. at the moment i'm working with a spreadsheet that has 100K lines. the column i want to filter is artist, which has hundreds of unique entries. lets say i want to show only those rows which are relevant to artists '50 Cent' and 'Usher'. So I click the filter dropdown and type 50 cent; what do I do after that? If I then search for Usher, all my results are either only Usher, or they include every artist in the spreadsheet. How do I search for just those 2?

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor tlafferty's Avatar
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    Re: filtering more than one item in the same column

    Data, filter, custom filter, equals 50 Cent, check the OR radio option, equals Usher
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  3. #3
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    Re: filtering more than one item in the same column

    buy excel 2007 or higher


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    Re: filtering more than one item in the same column

    wow that was fast! thanks fellows

    @tom, im using excel 2010.

    @lafferty, what if i want to do this for 3 or 4 artists? is there a way to do this without custom filter? for example if i goto filter and type in 50 cent it goes straight to that entry; once i click the checkbox next to him is there some way i can search for usher, check the box next to his name, and then only those two artists have a checkbox next to them ?

  5. #5
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    Re: filtering more than one item in the same column

    So should not be any problem or I did not understand you
    p.s. your signature is telling that you use ex 2003

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    Re: filtering more than one item in the same column

    ahh OK fixed the signature. i use 2007 at home, 2010 at work.

    re: the question itself, not sure how to clarify. is there anything specific in there that's confusing you?

  7. #7
    Forum Expert tigeravatar's Avatar
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    Re: filtering more than one item in the same column

    Can't you just check the boxes manually on the filter drop-down list? am I missing something?
    Hope that helps,

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  8. #8
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    Re: filtering more than one item in the same column

    If you want filter two item of the list you simple select two boxes next to items and that's it.

  9. #9
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    Re: filtering more than one item in the same column

    Quote Originally Posted by tigeravatar View Post
    Can't you just check the boxes manually on the filter drop-down list? am I missing something?
    Quote Originally Posted by tom1977 View Post
    If you want filter two item of the list you simple select two boxes next to items and that's it.
    yes this would work if it was 20 or so entries. i have hundreds of unique entries which means to filter two different artists i have to scroll thru a fairly long list (keep in mind this list doesnt appear in the whole excel sheet, just a small 'popup' of sorts). that's why im looking for a way around it.

  10. #10
    Forum Expert tigeravatar's Avatar
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    Re: filtering more than one item in the same column

    The only way around it is going to be VBA. If you're ok with a macro in your file, I can provide you with some code that will perform as desired.

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    Re: filtering more than one item in the same column

    You can always press e.g. "u" and your list will navigate you to items which start with letter "u"

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    Re: filtering more than one item in the same column

    Quote Originally Posted by tigeravatar View Post
    The only way around it is going to be VBA. If you're ok with a macro in your file, I can provide you with some code that will perform as desired.
    i'd prefer to avoid that. but i appreciate the offer

    Quote Originally Posted by tom1977 View Post
    You can always press e.g. "u" and your list will navigate you to items which start with letter "u"
    yes that works when we're doing just one artist. but when we're doing two artists either only one stays checked, or all of them get checked.

    i cant help but think the solution to this is v simple im just missing exactly how to go about it. but ive tried various combinations and none have worked so far.

  13. #13
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    Re: filtering more than one item in the same column

    yes that works when we're doing just one artist
    I think no. Type "u" select one item, mark this e.g by pressing spacebar button then type e.g. "p" it find the very first item which start with "p" letter (of course if you have such item on the list) and you can select item started with "p" and after pressing ok button you have filtered list of two items.
    Last edited by tom1977; 09-18-2012 at 06:21 PM.

  14. #14
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    Re: filtering more than one item in the same column

    Quote Originally Posted by tom1977 View Post
    I think no. Type "u" select one item, mark this e.g by pressing spacebar button then type e.g. "p" it find the very first item which start with "p" letter (of course if you have such item on the list) and you can select item started with "p" and after pressing ok button you have filtered list of two items.
    its a bit more complicated than that. you see when you type in the first term (just typing in 'u' gives me too many results but typing in eg 'ux' gives only one result). but then there's 3 checkboxes:
    [] Select all search results
    [] Add current selection to filter
    [] Peyroux

    By default the first and third checkboxes are checked, second is unchecked.

    But then when you want to put in the second filter, I pressed the backspace to type in something starting with P. When I do that once the filter goes from Ux to 'U' (which shows everything with a U is now checked) and then pressing backspace again goes to no filter, which shows everything unchecked. When I then type in P (actually too many results with P so I typed in 'Prim') it checked 'Primus' but then all the results were also just Primus, not Peyroux + Primus.

    What I'm saying is prolly difficult to understand but if you were to open a spreadsheet it might make it a bit simpler. I've attached a screenshot in case that helps. Excel Filters.png
    Last edited by zazzz; 09-19-2012 at 12:21 PM.

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