I have a spreadsheet which I am creating and I have a new requirement...
In the attached sheet on the “Cost Summary” sheet I require a formula in the cell range highlighted in blue – B57:D84
Here I need the formula to pull data from the relevant sheet based on the user selection C53 (this will tell it which branch data sheet to look in) and C54 (this will tell it what to match). The index will be the branch number and always column B:E. I need the formula to find the first instance of the match in cell C54 and report the GL Code (Column B), Month Actual (Column D) and Month Budget (column E). Then I need it to find the next instance, report it, and find the next and so on and so on. I would only need it to return values greater than 1.
Its hard for me to explain so in green I have included an example with explanations of where the data needs to be pulled from.
Can anyone help please?