Hi Sure (attached)
So this is my problem:
In the worksheet 'EU Funds', there are two columns of data in columns K and L for two different months.
In Column A of the same sheet, the data is ranked (currently based on column L, August data).
What I need to do, is use the selected date (in the Misc. Sheet, cell D19 - named selected_date_product) to rank a particular column.
If the selected_date_product is Aug-12, I need Column A to rank based on column L. If the selected date was July-12, rank based on column K.
So I guess the formula in column A:
=RANK(L2, L$2:L$191)+COUNTIF(L$2:L2,L2)-1
Rather than be fixed to column L, needs to change columns depending on the selected date.
When I can get the rank column to work, I can use VLOOKUP to pull the relevant entries based on the position in the Funds sheet.
Does this make sense!?