If you are looking for a macro that will do this for you, this should work
Dim c As Range, LR As String 'declare variables
LR = Range("A6555").End(xlUp).Row 'set LR equal to the last row in column A that contains a value
For Each c In Range("A1:A" & LR) 'loop through cells in column A from
'row 1 to the last row
Select Case c.Value 'if the current cell in the loop's value is...
Case 7804 '7804
c.Value = "Plant Maint Reps & Rens" 'then change the value in the current cell in the loop to Plant Maint Reps & Rens
Case 1
c.Value = "list replacement value"
Case 2
c.Value = "list replacement value"
Case 3
c.Value = "list replacement value"
Case 4
c.Value = "list replacement value"
Case 5
c.Value = "list replacement value"
Case 6
c.Value = "list replacement value"
End Select
Next c 'move to next cell in the loop
To use this in your workbook:
1. Press Alt+F8 on your keyboard
2. Clear the Macro Name field and then type AssignNominal
3. Select the Create option
4. In between the Sub AssignNominal and End Sub copy and paste the above code
5. Read through the comments and replace all the Select Case numbers with your nominal codes and the text in between the " " after the c.value = lines of code with what you would like to replace the nominal codes with.
6. Exit out of VBA
7. To run the code press Alt+F8
8. Select the newly created macro and then select the run option.
Note: This macro assumes your nominal codes are in column A if they are not please update the A's to the column letter of you nominal codes