
Thank you for your response. I looked at the link you attached - it seems like (and I could be wrong here) all the examples of "linking" combo boxes in Excel are based on having multiple lists of values that the combo boxes are directed to point at. If that is the only way to do this then I can live with that. I will need to create lists of data of all the possible filtering combinations my data set might have.

In my original post I attached an Excel workbook that has two worksheets. The first worksheet "Menu" has the 4 combo boxes one for each column of data in my data set. The second worksheet "DATA" is my data set from which I would like the combo boxes populated.

The 4 combo boxes "SECTOR", "UNIT", "DEPARTMENT", "CONTROL CENTER" are currently linked to each of the 4 columns in the data set. What I would like to happen is if the user selects a SECTOR from the first combo box then the only values presented to him in the second combo box, UNIT, would be the UNITS that belong to the SECTOR chosen in the first combo box. In an Excel spread sheet this would be exactly like filtering on a value in the column "SECTOR". Ultimately this filtering would continue so that when the user got to the third combo box, DEPARTMENT, the only values presented to him would be DEPARTMENTS that belong to the UNITS showing in the second combo box and the SECTOR in the first combo box.

Again - not sure if this is possible this "filtering" in combo boxes. If it is not then I can develop code that will create multiple lists of pre-filtered data.

Thank you again.