I have a sheet that has a building. And another sheet that has a bunch of buildings listed in A.
The second sheet also has a value in column F, and another column of values in E.
(F is a rental adjustment, and E is what their normal rent is)
In English, I need to look up a specific building on the first sheet in all of the adjusted rent roll sheet, and count the number of times there is an adjustment (F value) only if the adjustment is for their full rent in column E.
First sheet A4 = building1
Second sheet
A4 = Building1 E4 = $469 F4 = $469
A5= Building1 E4=$175 F4 = $175
A6= Building1 E4 = $169 F4=$35
A7=Building2 E4=$450 F4=$450
The answer in the first sheet should be 2, because a4 and a5 are two adjustments that also equal their original rent in column e.
Couldn't find anything online about using sumproduct to equal the same row in an array only to equal one specific cell or value.
Thanks for your help,