I have a named table on a worksheet that I am trying to use to track weekly bank transactions, much like a checkbook register. I am using the following formula to determine if the row contains a deposit or withdrawl and then this SHOULD add or subtract for the value above based on the conditions. However, when I enter the formula I get an error stating that there is an error in your formula and nothing more helpful than that.

Formula: copy to clipboard
=if(isblank(WklyTrans[[#This Row],[Withdrawl]]),F2+WklyTrans[[#This Row],[Deposit]],F2-WklyTrans[[#This Row],Withdrawl]])

My table is as follows:


I have a similar formula on a working transaction log that looks exactly like this, with the exception of the named table, that formula is below.

Formula: copy to clipboard
=IF(ISBLANK(MyTransactions[[#This Row],[Withdrawal]]),K2+MyTransactions[[#This Row],[Deposit]],K2-MyTransactions[[#This Row],[Withdrawal]])

that table looks like this:


Can anyone see the error in the first formula, as this has me stumped??

Thank you