Glad I stumbled across this forum as I've learned many nifty tricks and new things!
This is my issue maybe someone can guide me in the right direction.
My Goal is to have 8 Columns, with rows of data under the columns. "8 columns by 64000 rows"
Here is the Outcome I'm looking for. My project is 800 pages "about 20mb" pdf to word file.
When I copy into excel I get everything into one column not multiple
When I do anything Delimit It destroys the layout even more. I'm at a loss
I've tried converting text into a table and converting rows into columns which did not help.
I would like to remove or not import information like Follow up and Ctgy
Is this possible without manual data entry?
Or will I have to find a programmer/coder?
Skill level - I'm a normal user on excel, but very computer savy.
Here is what It would kind of look like as a finished product in my eyes.
**FCI ** - Foreclosure Inspection -
**RD ** - Reporting Deduction --
Jobs will not be a abbreviation just doing this to save time here on the forum and keep the table looking somewhat nice :D
Ap invoice number | Property ID | Job | Work Order | Assigned | Received | Amount | JobTotal
12412312 | 19421342 | FCI | 243423324 | 07/1/12 | 8/16/12 | 6.0 | 6.0
| RD | | -3.0 | 3.0
| 53453453 | FCI | 222535355 | 06/24/12 | 7/22/12 | 6.0 | 6.0
14322312 | 19221342 | FCI | 243422224 | 05/12/12 | 6/16/12 | 6.0 | 6.0
| RD | | -3.0 | 3.0
| 53223453 | FCI | 222535355 | 05/24/12 |7/14/12 | 6.0 6.0
Since my text fails here is a picture of screen shot
Here is a piece of what i'm starting with. There is 800 pages of this
Contractor: 11115
, FL 33614
AP Invoice Number: 19272332
Property ID Job Work Order Assigned Follow up Received Amount
--------------- ---- ----------- --------- --------- -------- -----------
19411759 232361527 07/17/12 08/16/12
Ctgy: Foreclosure Inspection 6.00
Job Total: 6.00
22312707 215519522 07/17/12 07/28/12
Ctgy: Foreclosure Inspection 6.00
Job Total: 6.00
21600996 235804410 08/02/12 08/11/12
Ctgy: Occupancy Determination 6.00
Photograph Non-regulatory 0.00
Job Total: 6.00
20817173 235104516 08/02/12 08/22/12
Ctgy: Occupancy Determination 6.00
Photograph Non-regulatory 0.00
Job Total: 6.00
21110268 235204525 08/02/12 08/23/12
Ctgy: Foreclosure Inspection 0.00
Job Total: 0.00