I unfortunately are not able to watch youtube.
When in your Master Plan, press Alt & F11 to open the Visual Basic editor, then select ThisWorkbook under Master Plan.xlsx top left. Paste this code under your ThisWorkbook
Private Sub Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
If Mid(ActiveCell.Address, 2, 1) = "B" Then
Call open_sheet
End If
End Sub
Then right click on the same ThisWorkbook and choose Insert > Module, a new module will appear under modules. Copy the following code into the module.
Sub open_sheet()
sheet_name = ActiveSheet.Name
open_name = ActiveCell.Value
Select Case sheet_name
Case "Cabinet"
Workbooks("Stock Plan Cabinet.xlsx").Activate
Worksheets("sheet" & open_name).Select
Case "Raw Material"
Workbooks("Stock Plan Raw Material.xlsx").Activate
Worksheets("sheet" & open_name).Select
Case "Store"
Workbooks("Stock Plan Store.xlsx").Activate
Worksheets("sheet" & open_name).Select
End Select
End Sub
Now when you double click on the number in the Master Plan then it will open that sheet. Try to understand this few lines of code, it's not that difficult, so that you can add to it if you add more files or change the names of your files.