I hope you don't mind that I'm going to make use of the opportunity and refresh this discussion. I'm looking to write a formula that would match a given percentage of highest and lowest values from a data table according to the custom threshold and category. The data table looks like that:
Identifier Category Value
ABC1 Category A 123
ABD2 Category A 5454564654
XYZ56 Category A 56454564
YUC67 Category A 656454566
FGH78 Category A 45454564564
FGT55 Category A 656545454
MNO90 Category A 212313213
ABDD32 Category B 545646
KOLP12 Category B 454545
KOSA134 Category B 454545
HUI89 Category B 454545
KOLP12 Category B 454545
KOLP14 Category B 45454544

I'm aiming to get the highest and lowest values from the Category A and Category B separately and match them with corresponding identifiers. It is possible that there will be few the same values within each category, I would have to get all of them. All the formulas (or pivot tables) will have to be working under the Excel 2003. I'll appreciate any help