Hi - I've been looking for this for a while and with no luck. Basically, I want to use a countif (or a sumproduct if necessary) because I have multiple criteria. And I want to count how many cells have at least one person's name in it (and if there's multiple names, I only want to count it once). The problem is that when there's more than one name in the cell, using my current countif statement will get duplicates.

Yes This is John
Yes I'm Bob
Yes I'm not sure if I'm Bob or Charlie
No I'm neither Bob nor John

My current equation: =sum(countifs(A:A,"Yes",B:B,{"*John*","*Bob*","*Charlie"})

I am getting a result of 4 as it is counting B1, B2, and B3 twice, however, I only want the third row (where it says both Bob and Charlie) to be counted once.

Any thoughts?