im still not sure this is even a feasible method for what im trying to do...
converting a formula like:
just to exclude hidden cells is not too much of a task but when i also need to convert a formula such as:
=SUM(COUNTIFS(Sheet3!AG:AG,A18,Sheet3!C:C,$L$11), COUNTIFS(Sheet3!AG:AG,A18,Sheet3!C:C,$L$12), COUNTIFS(Sheet3!AG:AG,A18,Sheet3!C:C,$L$14), COUNTIFS(Sheet3!AG:AG,A18,Sheet3!C:C,$L$15), COUNTIFS(Sheet3!AG:AG,A18,Sheet3!C:C,$L$16))
converting this to exclude hidden cells is a lot of work and very taxing on the system (because dealing with large data is taxing as it is...)
i guess the other method would be to try to filter the data BEFORE copying it to the spreadsheet but again im not sure if hidden cells are included in this... also i dont know an efficient way of filtering and copying...
there must be an easier way to do this and im currently getting frustrating into finding a way how -.-