I have a macro that I saved into personal.xlsb put it in c:\users\my name\appdata\roaming\microsoft\excel\xlstart
Now, we have a software packaged call Prosystem Engagement which and users can open excel files through that. When you open an excel file, the personal.xlsb is not open. I know this because my macro has vb code to enable right click and it doesn't work unless excel is already started. Some of these workpapers have code in them that disables right clicking on tabs. I can't edit that code. So if I first open excel and minimize it, then open one of the excel files (through engagement) the ctrl-d key combo I assigned to my macro works fine. But if I don't have excel open first, then open the excel file in engagement, the macro doesn't work since it is not loaded.
Does this make sense ? Sorry if my post is not clear.
How can I ensure that personal.xlsb gets loaded ??