
I'm working on spreadsheet that in the most basic understanding, compares a date and time that something has been requested with the date and time that the request was fulfilled. The total time in hours is measured to show how long it takes on average to complete the request.

Dates and times are stored in the mm/dd/yy hh:mm format so that both day and the time of day are stored in the same cell and the time to completion can be measured up to minute.

What I am looking for is a way to compare two time stamps to make and if statement (or use another formula) that will compare if the days are the same in both time stamps while disregarding the time of day. Basically I would like a formula to give the result of “1” when two time stamps have the same dates and “0” when the dates are different.


Time Stamp 1
7/17/12 1:58 PM
TIme Stamp 2
7/17/12 8:53 PM

Time Stamp 1
7/17/12 1:58 PM
TIme Stamp 2
7/20/12 8:53 PM

Notice that in example A the dates are the same (but the times are different) so 1 would be the result. While example B the dates are completely different so a 0 is the result. The trouble I a having is ignoring the hh:mm portion of the time stamp (which is necessary in other calculations) to determine if the request came in on the same day that it was fulfilled.

Is there a formula that can do this?