I want to be able to enter an account # in a worksheet and have it auto fill with several columns of account information that is already in a worksheet that is in the same file. Is this possible?
I want to be able to enter an account # in a worksheet and have it auto fill with several columns of account information that is already in a worksheet that is in the same file. Is this possible?
You can use a vlookup or an index/match combo to achieve this. Do you have an example of what you are trying to accomplish?
Here is something similar to what I have. I want to be able to just put in the account # and it would fill in the other fieldds that I have shown.
Example of file.xlsx
Last edited by christop; 08-06-2012 at 11:30 PM.
Does this work for you?
That works. thank you. Is there any way you can explain how and why that works so I can expand upon it in the future? Even just what the "concept" is so I can do a search for it would help.
Sure - the ifferror is used to avoid seeing errors such as #N/A, DIV0!, etc... Without it you would get an error when there was not a match for the lookup.
The vlookup stands for vertical lookup and pulls in data where there is a match on the lookup value. In your case it is looking for a match on the acct # in the data tab. You have to specify the range the data is located in and the column you want to find the match. For instance the name is in column B on the data tab so I had to specify I was looking for data in column B which denoted by the 2 in the formula. The 0 in the formula means you are looking for an exact match.
You can find step by step instructions here.
I hope this helps.
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