Hello all, im a new user in this forum, and i really tried to search someone with a similar problem as mine, but I wasn't able to find anything similar so here it goes
Im trying to create a macro (or any other way) to retrieve data from multiple websites, I can feed the macro with all the links, but after it has to select just 2 parts of the site and keep the html formatting and if possible delete the blank cells... I will try to post some screenshots to help you understand
in this image you can see, that I can import the "tables" keeping Full HTML format using Data>Import From Website
The Url address that I want to import data from only change the last part (is the country tag)
http://www.webometrics.info/rank_by_...y.asp?country=at can be am,pt, etc
the only problem is if the list is longer that 50 Universities (in this case) the next page url will be the same with offset=50(for second page) or 100(for the third), 150(and so on), etc
is it possible to create a macro to run all the urls, and verify if the list is longer than 50 (that means checking if url+offeset is avaible) and past all the data into a sheet?
P.S: English is not my native language, but I will try to answer your question as best as I can.