Hi Guys

Hope fully this is an easy one for you - I'm just trying to do an IF formula, that will return a result of 0.5 or above (Minimum of 0.5)
I currently have in L14:
F14 is the width of the item being quoted in metric (eg. 0.8),
G14 is the depth of the item being quoted in metric (eg. 0.6),
J14 is the quantity of items required on the quote,
T14 shows if the item is to be calculated per single item or by square metre.
L14 currently returns the qty to calculate (eg: 1 for a single item, or 0.48 for per SqM items)

I Need to adjust the existing code in L14 to show a minimum of 0.5 if our item is sold by the square metre, but with a minimum charge of 0.5 square metres.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.