I am having an issue creating dependent drop down lists. I have created a quote template (on tab 1) and would like to use drop down lists to fill in the customer information. On the second tab, I have four columns (company, contact, address, city/state/zip). I have defined the name for each column. The rows below are populated with end user information.
On the quote tab, I created a drop down list (cell D4) for "company" (using data validation). That works fine. When I try to create the next dependent drop down list, no data transfers over. In cell D5, with data validation, I chose list and typed =indirect(d4). I do get a drop down arrow for this but no information comes up.
I have also tried VLOOKUP but, as before, no data transfers over. The drop down arrown is blank. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. If anyone has suggestions, I would be greatly appreciative.