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Delete certain rows based on value in another cell

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angelk Delete certain rows based on... 07-16-2012, 03:57 PM
arlu1201 Re: Delete certain rows based... 07-30-2012, 02:38 PM
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    Delete certain rows based on value in another cell

    hi ^^

    okay so am creating a template with a lot of catergoies and fill in spots for each one. But for each form filled out not all caterogies are need so some would be Not applicable, hhowever their are still the spaces and rows below the catoergies that I want to delete. So I turned one cell into a dropdown box where it's either blank or Not applicable. If its blank its find all the cells below stay because we are using the catoergy. If it's Nto applicable I want to delete the following 4 or 5 cells beneth the catoergy heading. If this possible.

    **note I already have a auto fit code in place so am adding on to it :
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim NewRwHt As Single
    Dim cWdth As Single, MrgeWdth As Single
    Dim c As Range, cc As Range
    Dim ma As Range
    Dim ProtectStatus As Boolean
    With Target
    If .MergeCells And .WrapText Then
    ProtectStatus = Me.ProtectContents
    If ProtectStatus Then Me.Unprotect ' "password"
    Set c = Target.Cells(1, 1)
    cWdth = c.ColumnWidth
    Set ma = c.MergeAreaw
    For Each cc In ma.Cells
    MrgeWdth = MrgeWdth + cc.ColumnWidth
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    On Error Resume Next
    ma.MergeCells = False
    c.ColumnWidth = MrgeWdth
    NewRwHt = c.RowHeight
    c.ColumnWidth = cWdth
    ma.MergeCells = True
    ma.RowHeight = NewRwHt
    cWdth = 0: MrgeWdth = 0
    On Error GoTo 0
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    If ProtectStatus Then Me.Protect ' "password"
    If Range("NOTA") Is NotApplicable Then Run "NA"
    End If
    End With
    End Sub

    the NOTA is the cells that ae montiored to see if it is blank or NotApplicable. orginially I was using a macro but I couldnt get it to delete the right number of cells in the right place..Help and thxs in advance.
    Last edited by arlu1201; 07-19-2012 at 05:49 AM. Reason: Add code tags in future.

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