I have a problem and would appreciate any direction you could give.

I work for a finance company and we do about 300 loans a month. Currently we enter data 3 different times. I would like to simplify it.

When we know a loan is coming we enter it into a tracking spreadsheet. When it arrives we write the loan up for a final credit worksheet. The final credit sheet has a hard copy printed and is placed in the file. The worksheet is not saved.
The tracking sheet has some of the info that goes to the final credit sheet. The final credit sheet has all of the info that goes onto the audit sheet. The audit sheet is a review of the credit sheet and is used to audit the loan. Both the tracking sheet and the final credit work sheet have information which is not passed down the line. Tracking ---->Final Credit--*--->Audit. *note: between final credit and audit the loan is assigned a unique id number.

Is it possible to have a credit sheet from excel post the data into other cells but the other cells keep the data when the source is gone and moves to the next line? Also, sometimes things change from the original structure of the loan to the final version so we need to be able to make corrections.

My thoughts:
The final credit sheet is currently in word but can easily be transfer to Excel 2007. If I could have the final credit sheet update both the tracker and the audit sheet it would simplify the process but we cannot keep every final credit sheet electronically filed and I would need the form to keep previous data once it is no longer on the credit sheet (new loan inputted, somehow dropping the audit and tracking sheets to the next line).

I deal with this everyday so if I left out vital information please let me know and I will fill in the blanks.

I would love to simplify this redundant process.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


p.s. Sorry for the typo's and grammar issues I know are in the post, my mind is burnt from trying to figure this out all day.