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index match issue

  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    index match issue

    hello all

    having some trouble and not having much luck with multiple criterias

    basically i would like the following:

    in the summary sheet (column P) > i have highlighted in red my formula
    =INDEX('Ship-to Price (Datawork)'!$A$2:$W$521,MATCH(Summary!$C8,'Ship-to Price (Datawork)'!$U$2:$U$521,0),11)

    its giving me an answer but i need to also do it by "minimum rate" which is column Q from the "ship-to-date (datawork)"

    basically, i want the same formula but i want to filter by column Q to show a value if it is minimum rate.

    can someone pls help?
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert icestationzbra's Avatar
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    2007, 2010

    Re: index match issue

    does this work?

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    - i.s.z -
    CSE, aka Array aka { }, formulae are confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER.
    Replace commas ( , ) with semicolons ( ; ) in formulae, if your locale setting demands.
    All good ideas are courtesy resources from this forum as well as others around the web.
    - e.o.m -

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