
Here is my scenario:

I have two workbooks one called "Consumer Groups" (this is where all the data is) and the other "Consumer Support Staff".

I would like to use the boolean aspect of Subproduct to match a multiple condition and then maybe Index and match or possibly offset and column to copy the column title where this match is taking place?

So far this works on the "Consumer Support Staff" worksheet, I get a T returned:

=IF(SUMPRODUCT(-('Consumer Groups'!$A$3:$A$89='Consumer
Support Staff'!J3)*('Consumer Groups'!$B$3:$CG$89

I would like to identify the column in the 'Consumer Groups'!$B$3:$CG$89 range where this argument is true and then copy the column title which is in row 2 to the "Consumer Support Staff" worksheet.

Does anyone have any insights or solutions that they would care to share?
