Hello all,

I'm rather new here, so apologies if this is a rather silly question. I did search through previous posts but cant find anything that's similar to what I'm trying to do.

I have 2 sheets in a workbook

Sheet 1 - Product - has 2 columns. column A contains a Product Code and Column B contains Product Name (400 rows)
Sheet 2 - Customer purchases - contains 3 columns. Column A contains customer id, column B contains customer name, and Column C contains Product Name.

What I'm wanting to do is to replace the product name in Sheet B with the related product code in Sheet 1.

So is there a macro that could recursivey use the data from sheet 1 to replace the data in sheet 2? So it would go through each row in sheet one use the data to do a find replace in sheet 2

I would be most grateful for any help provided.

