Hi all im trying to get the below formula to work, but its not quite right, What im trying to ask it is to look in column D and check the Date against cell B9, then check column R to make sure it says One Man Crew, also make sure column B doesnt say DDR then add the totals in column AQ, but the below column doesnt seem to take into account the first part, checking against the date (--(North!$D$2:$D$50000=B9)
Has anyone got any ideas what ive done wrong.
SUMPRODUCT(--(North!$D$2:$D$50000=B9)--(North!$R$2:$R$50000="One Man Crew"),--(+NOT(North!$B$2:$B$50000="DDR")),--(North!$AQ$2:$AQ$50000))