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Proper way to apply conditional formatting to new entries of data.

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  1. #1
    Valued Forum Contributor Melvinrobb's Avatar
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    Proper way to apply conditional formatting to new entries of data.

    Hi all
    My question is more a general issue i've been having.
    for a group of 200 entries I have applied conditional formatting.
    The issue I'm having is that I am continually adding new entries to this list, and simply copy and pasting the formats does not work well.

    If I have the following listed in my conditional formatting: =IF($E4=$F$2,TRUE,FALSE)
    applied to cells =$D$4:$F$271
    and I add 5 new entries, and copy and paste the formats from an old row to the new row, I do not want to add new conditional formatting
    I simply want the current conditional formatting to now apply to cells =$d$4:$f$276
    The way i am currently copy and pasting formatting for new entries I can go from 1 conditional format to 15 in a matter of days, as new conditional formatting parameters are added with each new entry.

    If i am not being clear, i apologize...
    Thanks for any assistance!

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor BenMiller's Avatar
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    Re: Proper way to apply conditional formatting to new entries of data.

    You can change your IF statement to a simpler =$E4=$F$2

    If you add an AND to ensure it does not equal zero, you can add the conditional formatting to the entire column, and new entries would automatically be included. So: =(E4=$F$2)*(E4<>0)

  3. #3
    Valued Forum Contributor Melvinrobb's Avatar
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    Re: Proper way to apply conditional formatting to new entries of data.

    I know the IF statement is unnecessary. Force of habit I guess. I also can copy and past the formula and change the true and false with other values quickly if needed.
    Another conditional format in another table I use is for the bottom 50 values in column B be highlighted green, in column C be highlighted blue, etc. I don't think your solution would work in that instance.
    Is there a way to copy and paste everything BUT conditional formatting? If there was, I could do that, and then manage my conditional formats to now include the extra rows.

    I just realized right before I posted i could copy and paste formats, and then remove conditional formats on selected sections. Then manually go through and change the cells from $f$271 to $f$276.
    Is there a better way?

  4. #4
    Forum Contributor BenMiller's Avatar
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    Re: Proper way to apply conditional formatting to new entries of data.

    You can copy then right-click>paste special>formulas to copy everything but the formats...

  5. #5
    Valued Forum Contributor Melvinrobb's Avatar
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    Re: Proper way to apply conditional formatting to new entries of data.

    I want the formats to paste (Font, Borders, etc.), but exclude the CONDITIONAL formatting.
    In reality I do want to include conditional formatting, but it will just get cluttered if I have the conditional formatting paste on every new entry.

  6. #6
    Forum Contributor BenMiller's Avatar
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    Re: Proper way to apply conditional formatting to new entries of data.

    I believe that would be impossible. Conditional formats are considered the same as "regular" formats, at least when it comes to copy/paste. So you can do a regular copy/paste, then highlight the column and delete the CF - as you said.

  7. #7
    Forum Expert Pepe Le Mokko's Avatar
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    Re: Proper way to apply conditional formatting to new entries of data.

    We will call the Table of 2010 to the rescue.

    I suppose you have applied your CF rules to the range $D$4:$F$271

    Select this range - Hit the Insert Tab - Select Table and answer whatever needs to be - Now, when you add rows, the CF will automatically follow as should formulas - Simple as that

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