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How would I have a drop down box menu populate a cll matris worksheet with checkmarks?

  1. #1
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    How would I have a drop down box menu populate a cll matris worksheet with checkmarks?

    I need to develop a calling matrix worksheet. I have the drop down box with a list of different situations and a worksheet with a list of different department names/responsibilities. My confusion is: when I click on a particular issue in the drop down menu I would like the worksheet with all the names to automatically have checkmarks placed under the correct people that must be called for that particular issue. Using Excel 2007
    To be more specific, my job is in Emergency response, so when I get a call I can choose the issue from the drop down box and the responsible persons/departments that must be called for that specific issue get a checkmark displayed under their name. I have tried reading "Excel for Dummies" and now feel even "dumber"
    Thanks in advance for any help! Sincerely, Thomas
    Please find attached Excel workbook...........My incident log matrix.xls
    Last edited by tmalsack; 07-09-2012 at 10:51 AM. Reason: topic has typo errors, can't edit that part I see

  2. #2
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    Re: How would I have a drop down box menu populate a cll matris worksheet with checkmarks?

    So if an incident is chosen from the dropdown box on Sheet1A5, you want the proper names/contactees to appear on sheet1 rows 6,11 and 16? and these would be retrieved from sheet2 which will have x's or checks in the appropriate cells?
    My 2?

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  3. #3
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    Re: How would I have a drop down box menu populate a cll matris worksheet with checkmarks?

    Actually, the drop down box is on sheet one under the title "incident type" and when I choose the particular incident I need the appropiate titles below the box and across from "notify" to be checked automattically. Hope this clears it up, Thomas

  4. #4
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    Re: How would I have a drop down box menu populate a cll matris worksheet with checkmarks?

    Okay, Not knowing your system, I cannot match up what you have in rows 6,11 and 16 on Sheet1 with what you have in row 1 of sheet 2. I assume for example, G12 (sheet1) under "TSOC (866) 655-7023" would be checked if under the same incident on sheet2 has column Q ("TSOC 866-655-7023") checked. There are 26 catagories to be checked on sheet 2 and only 24 blue boxes on sheet 1.

    Here's the easiest way, given what you've told me so far, that I can think of.
    On Sheet2, A107 enter
    In B107,
    =INDEX($B$2:$AA$103,MATCH($A$107,$A$2:$A$103,0),) dragged/copied across to AA107

    Then on Sheet1, in each of the notify boxes, enter an IF statement like so. (This one would go in G12)
    =IF($Q$107="X", "X","") Match up all the notify cells in sheet1 with what should be checked if they are to be notified on Sheet2. Did this help?

  5. #5
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    Re: How would I have a drop down box menu populate a cll matris worksheet with checkmarks?

    Sounds like greek to me but I will start trying it on the spreadsheet and will learn how it actually works, my thanks, Thomas

  6. #6
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    Re: How would I have a drop down box menu populate a cll matris worksheet with checkmarks?

    If you have any questions, feel free.

  7. #7
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    Re: How would I have a drop down box menu populate a cll matris worksheet with checkmarks?

    Excel Incident Log Matrix short.xlsmMy incident log matrix.xls

    Thanks for your input ChemisB. I matched up the 2 sheets for better understanding (attached) and also attached a working example I found from another office that I am trying to adapt for our own should that give you a better idea of what I am trying to accomplish. Sincerely, Thomas

  8. #8
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    Re: How would I have a drop down box menu populate a cll matris worksheet with checkmarks?

    ChemisB (and all others following this post), the "incident log matrix short" attachment I posted, sheet 2 was non-functioning correctly so here is one that works, sorry about that. ThomasIncident Log working.xlsm

  9. #9
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    Re: How would I have a drop down box menu populate a cll matris worksheet with checkmarks?

    Okay, I used their method of VLOOKUP. I was over complicating things. I formatted the cells with check marks as Marrott. In Marrott, an "a" shows as a checkmark. You'll need that knowledge when you want to put the correct checkmarks in your matrix and that'll help you understand the formulas. Also, the IFERROR Function only works on Excel 2007 and later. Hopefully that's what you have. Is this what you needed?
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by ChemistB; 07-09-2012 at 02:20 PM.

  10. #10
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    Re: How would I have a drop down box menu populate a cll matris worksheet with checkmarks?

    I apologize for my lack of Excel knowledge, I do not understand 'formatting cells with check marks as Marrott. What is marrott? What sheet did you format the cells, sheet 1 with the incidents listed on the left and names on top/ I feel so helpless, ugh! Thomas

  11. #11
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    Re: How would I have a drop down box menu populate a cll matris worksheet with checkmarks?

    Marrott is a font type, just like "Ariel", "TimesNewRoman" or "Wingdings" but with specific symbols (like a checkmark). Simply set your font to Marrott instead of Ariel in those cells. I believe the one you are using as a template used Ariel's symbol for a square root. Use whatever checkmark is easiest for you.
    You would need to format any cells where you expect a checkmark to appear but no cells where you would want normal text.

  12. #12
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    Re: How would I have a drop down box menu populate a cll matris worksheet with checkmarks?

    Oh, Marlet font, that threw me off. Your example gave me the direction I needed! Now I got it. Less complicated than I was making it. Thanks for your patience and time! Much appreciated, Thomas

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