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Date Range filter

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  1. #1
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    Excel 2007

    Date Range filter

    Hi There

    I have successfully made my excel sheet with the purpose of identifying the total income for a given month in a year for cash flow purposes. This basically works with a column that creates a number for the corresponding month (eg august is 8) then a filter to add up all the payments from that particular month. We now need to do this over two years so i need to add a year function to it but can figure it out.

    My current set up is:

    A list of income payments in one column and the date received in a separate column and the month ID column in the third
    Payment column is named Income - this has my input figures
    Date column - is un-named an has the date input
    Month identification column is named Month_Income - and uses formula =MONTH( x) where x is the cell with the date

    In a different row across the top - i have the months Jan - Dec and below each month i have a cell telling me the total income for that month using:
    =SUMIF(Month_Income,"=x",Income) - x is the corresponding month eg 8 is for august.

    So now i have added a fourth column with the year named Year_Income and a formula =YEAR(x) where x is the cell with the date input.

    What should the SUMIF formula look like to include my year? Ie so i can see the total income for august 2012 or july 2013 etc.... ?


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